Swans in Progress

Having started the swans back in August last year, things got put on hold while I made other work. The deadline is still a long way off – it’s for a new build hospital in North Carolina – but I’m much better with a tight deadline to focus the mind!

Now I’ve returned to finish the swans before I concentrate on work for the Blue exhibition. Here’s the image I’m working from :

The middle section at the bottom of the image is the mother swan’s body – the cygnet appears to be sitting on her wing, rather than on her back. I’ve struggled to differentiate between the materials for the body and the wings. However, by moving pieces around and standing back to look at the work from a distance, I feel it is improving. Work is still in progress.

There are several changes to the cygnet’s head and body too. The lowest image is the most recent:









I’m planning to complete the swans (including the final glue layer) before filling in the background which is the easy bit!

The work is large and already heavy. Once the background is full of green stuff, it will be hard to manouver.


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2 Responses to Swans in Progress

  1. Wonderful!

    What size is it actually?

    We would love to see when finished!

    Everybody loves my pieces, thank you again!

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