
I am a ‘re-maker’, taking inspiration from found objects and turning them into something new. Although my background is in textiles, I now work predominantly with plastic.

I love art with an element of fun and the unexpected, and hope my work will make you smile!

“Every artist needs to find the right material through which he can express himself”                                                                                                                    David Mach, sculptor

62 Responses to About

  1. Hi Jane, we just stumbled upon your work and my jaw dropped!! It’s beautiful. I’d been planning to do a public art mosaic with about 15 kids this summer and we’d started collecting bottle caps, but now because of you we’ve expanded to any little bits we can find! My question for you is what is the best way to adhere the objects. Our kids are 6-11 yrs old.
    Thank you!

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Liita, thanks for your comment! I work on a firm board and use a hot glue gun, followed by a layer of PVA glue.
      I’m not sure about using a hot glue gun with such young children but it sticks the items immediately, and things can be pulled off and moved if needed.
      My work is intended to be shown indoors – it is not weatherproof. Not sure if this helps! Good luck with the project!

      • Rosemary Breyley says:

        Hello Jane, I absolutely love your art so much also! I’m a bowerbird when it comes to found objects art and have been playing in this kind of medium for a few years but I’m only just starting out now that I have some time.
        When you wrote that you use a glue gun and then a layer of PVA glue, does this mean that you put the PVA ontop of very hot glue before you place the button or object on top? I ask because I’m really hoping to find the best, most secure and lasting way to attach buttons, shells, plastic, pebbles, wool etc.
        many thanks, Rosemary Melbourne Australia

      • janeperkins says:

        Thanks Rosemary!
        To clarify… the hot glue sets and cools very quickly. When I have finished the whole picture and am happy with it, I then add a layer of PVA glue over the finished work.

      • Rosemary Breyley says:

        Thanks so much Jane! xxx

  2. Thank you Jane. My hot glue gun is my favorite tool!! We’ll send pictures!!

  3. shelley stepanuik says:

    Hello Jane. Your work is amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. Do you make custom-ordered works? We can email to discuss further. An amazing talent!

  4. Rosa says:

    Amazing work Jane! #loveit

  5. Marie Moore says:

    I just sent you and email regarding some items to mail you. I live in midwest USA. Are your pieces ever in an exibit here or sold at a gallery in the US?

  6. Robyn Patrick says:

    Hi Jane
    I am an art student still in high school and would absolutely love to use you as one of my inspirations but i can not for the life of me find any personal information about you?

  7. Interesting work , very beautiful . Would be interested in including your work on our website . http://www.botonesantiguos.es why you request permission . Thank you

  8. Laurel Berry says:

    Hi Jane,

    I’ve just come across your work and I’m blown away. It’s so jewell-like but taking the mundane everyday forgotten objects, very inspiring. I’ld really like to connect with you further. It would be great to exchange some emails!

    Best Wishes,

  9. Alex says:

    Please Jane, enter here, its a painting of your collage of Van Gogh!
    King regards,

  10. Daniela Gallo says:

    Hi Jane! I´m Daniela, from Mexico. You´re a great artists and I love your work! You inspire me to create artworks with recycled materials. Thank you, best regards!

  11. Ian Cameron says:

    Hi Jane, we came across your work in the Red Propellor Gallery in Kingsbridge and thought it was wonderful. We particularly liked the Marilyn Monroe. I’m studying Art at Plymouth and our project at the moment is upcycling, recycling and sustainability. I’m making a piece from old electrical cable and bits of plastic, so I was drawn to your work.
    As part of my project can you give me any advice on using used plastic, fixing etc. Anything would be really good.

  12. Maria says:

    I love your works! I have long wanted to do work with the same materials that I have saved 2 years ago !! Congratulations !! Art in all its forms, is the most beautiful way to manifest … Namasté

  13. philip tonkin says:

    Hello Jane – Apparently you visited my little girls class the other day (she if 5) and now obsessed with your work 🙂 You have made quite an impression on her! We all very much look forward to visiting your exhibition at Teignmouth – your work really does look fantastic! I assume we can just turn up between 27th May & 9th June…

  14. Cathy says:

    HI Jane
    I will be visiting Sommerset/ Dorsett area in October. Would you be having an exhibition in the area? Do you offer classes?

  15. Chiara says:

    Hello Jane, I’m wondering if it’s possible to see a few of your great pieces of art in some place or galleries sometimes.. I’m in love with your art!
    Cheers, Chiara from Italy

  16. stclan91 says:

    Hello Jane,

    My name is Natalie and I am an art teacher in Canada. Your work is so uplifting in so many ways – the creative & environmentally friendly use of materials, the fun and recognizable subject matter! I wondered if you would be open to using Skype to have a brief discussion with a group of eager art students. Thank you so much for your delightful and inspiring work!
    All the best,

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Natalie
      I’ve just tried to send you a direct email but it was rejected
      Thanks for your lovely comments.
      Yes – I’m happy to do this if we can find a suitable time!

  17. Livia Catini says:

    Hello Jane,
    My name is Livia Catini and I am a student at the International School of Stuttgart. I find your work very creative, beautiful and inspiring. I would kindly ask if I could interview you for a project in Art.
    Best wishes,

  18. Great job!!! Hugs from Brazil!

  19. Debbie White says:

    Hello Jane,
    I recently purchased a magazine in Australia which I was drawn to buy as it has some of your art works in. What an inspiration you have been for me. I have been enjoying different crafts over the years attending small classes and joined a few groups to be with like minded people. I would really like to be able to master a craft in these textiles and would be interested if I could speak to you in further detail or if you could pass on any advice to me on the mediums, products you use.

    I have know formal teachings but feel creating for me is a feeling of happiness and achievement.

    Thank you Jane for your inspiration,
    Kind Regards,
    Debbie White.

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Debbie
      I am so happy to have been a source of inspiration!
      When you find ‘your thing’, being creative brings so much joy
      I’ll email you some information about materials
      Jane x

  20. Alexandra Russell says:

    Hi Jane, I absolutely love your work, have seen in it Topsham. Do you ever do workshops or classes? I’m in Exmouth. Am keeping my fingers crossed! Many thanks, Alexandra

  21. Greetings. I’m looking for a Jane Perkins who painted a painting for my mom, Judy Hinesley, of her old farm house. The style is very different but I wanted to reach out. This is her daughter Mali. Thanks!

  22. deborah russo says:

    Probably already picked a name for your beautiful lion, but my suggestion is Charlie! I just found out about your art today! I am an instant fan! Let me know if your art is ever featured on the west coast. I saw a response re NY, so thinking it might be possible. I noticed you had prints of some of your works. Will you be doing a numbered series of Frida? Thank you so much for your amazing works! Truly inspiring.

    • janeperkins says:

      Thanks so much Deborah for your kind comments. My work hasn’t been as far as the west coast yet, but you never know!

      • deborah russo says:

        Thank you. Well I will keep hoping. In the meantime, do you have info for commissions. I am completely blown away by your work – Whimsical and creative. Please contact me directly theu email with requested info. Warm regards.

  23. Hi Jane, I wanted to contact you via email to request permission to use a photograph of your incredible Frida Kahlo portrait in a online article I am writing about Frida? Love you work. Many thanks Donna 🙂

  24. Kristen Carrier says:

    Hi, Jane! I’m Kristen from Louisiana and I am interested in commissioning you! Is there a way that we could speak by email to discuss? Thank you!

  25. Karen l Snyder says:

    Hi Jane!! My name is Karen, and I was also wondering where you get some of your materials? I see so many little things in your works that I recognize from my childhood. Thanks in advance.

  26. Em Wenckus says:

    Hello, Happy I found your site. Really love your work. My group is about to begin a found object, reused object piece. For our work we usually use medium density fiberboard also called MDF as a support. What support do you use?

  27. mikkaykaym says:

    Hi Jane,
    My name is Mikayla and I am still currently in high school in Australia. I was wondering if I could get your permission to do a rendition of your “Afghan Girl” piece. I am so in love with it and am very interested to give it a go. This would be for a school experimental project only, just to clarify it will never be entered into anything outside of school. I will be using thousands of little beads rather than found objects. I would ensure that I cite that this is your original idea in my artist statement. Before I start however I really wanted to do the right thing and get your permission first. I look forward to hearing from you. Love your work 🙂
    Many thanks,

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Mikayla – thank you so much for asking for permission but it not really mine to give! I had to get permission to make my work of The Afghan Girl from the US photographer who took the original photo – Steve McCurry who works for National Geographic. He has a website and it would be best for you to contact him direct. (or his charity – Imagine Asia) Best wishes Jane

  28. Beth Camp says:

    Hello, Jane. Your work is inspiring! I’m writing to ask permission to use your Frida Kahlo portrait as part of a blog post to accompany a poem I wrote about Frida. I found your image accidentally online and would give full attribution. Is this possible? Thank you so much! Beth
    Beth Camp http://bethandwriting.blogspot.com

  29. Pingback: Research point 2.1 – Contemporary Practice Jane Murdock

  30. Lisa Horrocks says:

    Hi Jane, I work at a primary school and each year do portraits with the children. This year I’ve decided to do them using everything recycled and not buying in things as we’d normally do. As an example with my daughter we have used crisp packets, pizza boxes, Cotton, all sorts. I love the children learning about an artist through our portraits and was really pleased and inspired to find your work. I will be showing these to the children to inspire them and to learn about you. Do you have a twitter page I can tweet you their work when done?
    Thank you
    Lisa x

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Lisa
      I wish you great success with your portrait project! I have a schools page on my website (www.bluebowerbird.co.uk) where you can see many examples of work by children. I’m not on Twitter or Facebook but am happy for you to email the images to me if you’d like me to add them to my website. Jane x

  31. Oluwatoyosi Adedeji says:

    Hey Jane Perkins, my name is Toyosi Adedeji from Zambia, for my personal project i have decided to do recycled art for my personal project. How possible is it for my to have a video call interview for my school project?

  32. Carmi says:

    Hello Jane. I have looked everywhere for a place to message you. Today I made this post on our company Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/johnbeadcorp/ I love your work!

    There is an artist widely republished on Pinterest who does not have any social media sites I can link to. She does have a blog. British artist Jane Perkins uses almost anything plastic to recreate these famous paintings. The Frida painting was posted and reposted thousands of times and became the inspiration for my selections for Nutton but Buttons tubes. I knew we needed light and dark color buttons along with metallics for artists creating things like this. So, if anyone knows Jane, please let her know how much I appreciate her art and I would love to ship her a whole bunch of new buttons to play with. -Carmi. https://janeperkins.wordpress.com/

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