Happy Christmas!

Father ChristmasHere’s Father Christmas, made in 2010, who has just come out for his annual airing on our living room wall, above the fire. (Inspired by a wonderful oil painting by artist Dean Morrissey from the US.) The bobble on the hat is made from shells, but here appears too white for the shadowed corner of the image. I don’t usually add any colour to the materials but this has proved the exception – since this photo was taken I have dampened down the bright whiteness with a used tea bag – a great improvement.                                                                               Wishing you all a very happy Christmas time!

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73 Responses to Happy Christmas!

  1. Reblogged this on Eco Elements and commented:
    Sharing a beautiful piece of eco-art for holiday wishes.

  2. TESLbug says:

    Reblogged this on TESL bug and commented:
    Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year!!

  3. Julie Scott says:

    Do you sell a print of Santa Claus?

  4. Stacia says:

    I love this so much! Please could you tell me the dimensions of this piece? I’m having a hard time figuring out the scale.

  5. I love your santa. I just saw it today for the first time (on Facebook) I hope it was ok, I shared it to a mosaic site i am a part of. You should join! It’s called mosaic mentoring. By the way, everyone on there really loves it!!!

  6. vangreyheart says:

    It’s a amazing job! Merry Christimas 2015!

  7. Jack says:

    Is there any way we can purchase this Santa?

  8. Pingback: Two days before Christmas … and Still Movin’ | Claytonhill's Blog

  9. Cher Hiett says:

    One of the most incredible pieces I’ve ever seen. Your blending talent is unreal. Well done and so happy you kept it in your family. It’s a masterpiece!

  10. Looking for your fabulous Santa, & cards.

  11. Kathy Riley says:

    Hello Jane,

    I love Father Christmas. I have less than ZERO artistic ability so my question is actually about your technique and decision-making in this beautiful piece.

    What I lack in artistic ability, I excel at in OCD😂😂😂. Why is there not more space above Father Christmas’sf hat and where is the rest of his beard😱😳😱😳😱😳😱 What or how did you decide to not do a full beard?

    Thanking you in advance for the Art 101 course on incomplete images and OCD. Merry Merry, Happy Happy🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽

    Take care.
    Kathy Riley

    • janeperkins says:

      Hi Kathy
      Your comment made me smile!
      It’s quite usual/fashionable to slightly crop a portrait, or even crop it more than I have, but I do understand how that might have made you feel uncomfortable!

  12. Win Dinn says:

    Such a fabulous work of art – it comes around of Facebook every year, and I love it!

  13. Katie says:

    This is Beautiful! What did you use to glue the pieces down? I’ve done a few of the button/bottletop pieces with my students.

  14. Ellen OHara says:

    I just saw this December 2017 and loved this picture from the moment I saw it on facebook. Have you reconsidered and produced this as a print? if not do you still have cards available? I am madly in love with this.

  15. Diane Sullivan says:

    Aloha Jane!
    I am in awe of your stunning Santa piece. I am a hoarder of all things small and shiny – from buttons to sea glass. This is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the rest of us. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


  16. Belinda Harvey says:

    I love your Father Christmas piece and was very happy to be able to buy some of the cards. If you should ever decide to produce a print of him (as I, along with a bunch of others, sincerely hope you do!) I would purchase it in a heartbeat! Merry Christmas!

  17. Cat Sandstrom says:

    Oh my gosh, this is FABULOUS!!!! I want it! Ha, I know it’s not for sale but I want it! Simply Amazing!!!

  18. janeperkins says:

    Thanks so much Toby!

  19. Sandi Gerjevic says:

    That is very beautiful work! How long did that take you? How do I buy the cards?

  20. Beth says:

    Jane, you definitely are making the rounds again on every crafters group…lol. it love your art, your father Christmas is incredible. I’d love to follow you….do you have a social media account? Crossing my fingers…beth scott

  21. Lindaroot says:

    Hi Jane! Merry Christmas!! I too would love to purchase a print of Father Christmas! I am Linda Root, my email lindaparsons2003@yahoo.com
    Please really consider to make the print. I would need 6 prints.

  22. Maureen Munns says:

    I would also love a print should you decide to make some. Astonishing work. Brilliant!!!

  23. Maria Smith says:

    FANTASTIC!! So in love with this piece! Bravo’

  24. Nancy Eckerd says:

    Santa is Magical! Do you give lessons?

  25. Rose Troy says:

    Amazing to say the least!! I would also like some of your cards please!! Merry Christmas to you!! Email. rltroy101@icloud .com I live in Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺

  26. LaVern Ristuccia says:

    Hi Jane!

    I can not even describe how much I LOVE your Father Christmas. I have NEVER seen anything like it & I sooo admire your talents & abilities.

    I would love to have both a number of prints & cards when they become available. Please contact contact me at drlavern@gmail.com or text/call me at 585.507.2181.
    I look very forward to hearing from you😉

    Finally, IF there is EVER a time that you are willing to sell this amazing piece, PLEASE contact me—Father Christmas is definitely a piece of art I would love to have in our home🧡

  27. Dennis Bitner says:

    I recently saw this for the first time. I love it! Please contact me at to how I can order the cards and let me know when I can purchase them.

  28. samanthameeds2769 says:

    Wow! I just saw a post of your Old World Santa this Christmas morning. He is beautiful and touches my heart as this is something may mother would have loved. She collected anything Santa. Such a talent you have for capturing the variations in color and using plastic pieces to capture the layers of texture for each subject.

    I see in the string of comments above that maybe next year you will again have cards. More than anything I would love a print. I am now following your blog will be patient as they new year rolls along.

    All of your work is amazing. Do you only do commissioned pieces or do you sell to the general public.

    Thank you,

    • janeperkins says:

      Thanks so much Samantha. I do make works for galleries and exhibitions as well as commissions. However, as it takes quite a while to make a piece, I can only produce a certain amount of work and have to make choices. A nice position to be in !

  29. Sherry says:

    I concur with all others. I love this Father Christmas! Please put me on the list as well!

    PS This would also make a great jigsaw puzzle! Merry Christmas!!

  30. Denise says:

    Is this or a similar piece available for purchase? I’m in love!

  31. Hey Denise!!! You know, I get so sad and frustrated when people share your art and don’t have the respect to give you credit. Anytime I see it I stand up on your behalf and post your link. Thank you for sharing gifts and talents with us. You are truly an inspiration!!! I’m an artist using shells and it hurts to not receive credit where credit is due.

  32. Teresa Smith says:

    All I can say is breathtaking. One of the most adored pics I’ve seen of Father Christmas. You are truly talented Jane. My husband & I love Christmas, but this year is different he passed away Jun 25th, 2020 he fought a hard fight for 4 1/2 months but the cancer was to much. I’m trying right at this time to put our Christmas tree up & keep my spirits up for our daughter & her 2 little boys & his son & wife & our 2 beautiful Granddaughter’s. Your amazing Santa has brought a smile to my face. Thank you for your most perfect work. Merry Christmas to you & yours & A Happy New Year

    • janeperkins says:

      Thank you so much Teresa for your very kind words. I am so sorry to read of the loss of your husband this year and wish you a beautiful family time with your children and grandchildren this Christmas

  33. Steve king says:

    This is a masterpiece absolutely stunning love what you’ve done in this work of art. Beautiful!!

  34. Mary Anne R says:

    I saw this amazing Santa somewhere on the internet (can’t remember where it was however) and I simply had to track down the person that made it to tell you that it’s absolutely stunning! Of course you know that already from all the previous comments, but I wanted to add mine to the list. Happy Christmas wishes to you and yours – be safe, be well.

  35. Evelyn Hernandez says:

    Jane, I’ve always loved Santa and have added a piece to me collection year (ornament, figurines, etc). Your portrait brings me joy each year. I love your creativity and ingenious used of all the incredible pieces that make up such a beautiful artwork.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us.
    Merry Christmas and stay safe 💝

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